Responsible for people & environment.
If you do not invest sustainably, the future of the company is not viable. This is why we aim for a careful and responsible use of our two most important resources: the people – employees, partners, suppliers, customers – and the environment.

The most valuable resource?
Our employees!
Sustainability starts with people.
This is why we focus on retaining our employees at ATP for a long time. As we have high expectations concerning the sense of responsibility of our teams, we as the management team in particular are leading by example and assumes responsibility ourselves. Respectful, friendly and valued collaboration with each other is the basis for a good corporate culture, a pleasant working environment and a successful future.
We pay particular attention to:
- highest standards for health & safety at work
- good training and qualification measures for ell employees
- specific support for apprentices
- corporate continuous improvements program, especially in the area of „health and safety“

Today’s environment –
our living space of tomorrow.
„Aviation industry and sustainability“
This is a much-discussed subject, which also enjoys a high priority at ATP. This is why we encourage and support critical feedback and constructive suggestions as part of our corporate continuous improvement program. Only if you listen carefully, you can sustainably and responsibly improve and develop your company and environment.
Already when selecting our business partners and external service providers, we pay attention to an environment-oriented corporate management – careful use of resources, avoidance of waste and minimising of emissions. Of course, this also applies to us: through investments into state-of-the art technologies, ATP can manufacture even more efficient and sustainable components, also in order to actively reduce the CO2 footprint of aero-engines.
You can find our “sustainability” certificates here!
Additional measures for increased sustainability:
- Regular audit of compliance with environmental policies
- Regular audit of the functioning of the environmental management system
- Training of all employees in the environmental impact of their work
- Information to employees about the applicable statutory provisions regarding sustainability and environmental protection
- Identification, documentation and assessment of corporate environmental risks and transparent communication to employees and external partners
- Corporate continuous improvement program for environmental measures and safety at work
UN Global Compact
The targets of the UN Global Compact, which you can find by following this external link, serve as the basis for our sustainable and responsible corporate management.